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Due to me being terrible at programming, I can sort of program an upload system. It'll just have issues working half the time, but you can still upload files by sending me an email with your attachment and I�ll upload it. It will take a total of 24 or more hours for me to get back to your email.



Requirements and notes:

  1. Size must be 10MB�s overall, go over the limit and your attachment will be ignored, this goes for videos aswell as photos, find a way to compress it down to size. If it�s a video, it can be no larger than 10 minutes (ONLY WEBM'S).
  2. If you click a link with your file name and it brings you to an error screen, please contact us again, that�s a mistake both on Microsoft word and me
  3. Obviously, your video cannot contain offensive shit. That�s common sense.

To upload, contact us at [email protected]






Northstudiosuk @ 2018 | Upload